Limited Edition Wagons! – The club does not have any dealings with these anymore and cannot help with enquiries. The wagons were designed by people who are no longer members. No artwork or information is held by the club.


Secretary:- Richard Traxler
If you are thinking of joining the Burnham Model Railway Club then please contact me so we can arrange a good day for you to visit us.
You can contact me using the link email:-

Treasurer:- Norman Clymer
In addition to my Treasurer duties I am the lead on the clubs new ‘O’ gauge DCC layout. I’m also the part owner of the O gauge layout Nosach Green which is fully operational and continues to be developed as a fine scale GWR/BR cameo. This layout is available for exhibition.

Exhibition Manager (Weston-Super-Mare) & Website designer: – Mark Savage
I’m an N gauge modeller with an exhibition standard modular model railway – Otterhampton. with a new layout, Calderbridge under construction. I’m the lead on the new club N gauge layout Cheddarton.
Email me regarding the our Weston-Super-Mare model railway show at

Marketing Manager :- Adrian Campbell
Adrian models N gauge American but has a particular passion for Hornby’s OO gauge Live Steam – “Miniature Marvels of Model Engineering”
He has a sort of shop at 31 Baker St, WSM where he is setting up Toy Trains TV, an offshoot of his PlanesTV business.
He welcomes donations of low value unwanted items to assist his drive to introduce youngsters to the hobby.
He sells better stuff to sell on behalf of owners for a small commission providing he can film them in action first.

Trustee for the Community Centre : – David Easton
Details coming soon